Random Acts of Kindness Day

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#gobekind random act of kindness day

Happy Random Acts of Kindness Day, aka RAK DAY! Up until this year, the week celebrated as “Random Acts of Kindness Week” turns into Random Acts of Kindness DAY this year. This is the day where you can finally do the type of kindness you see yourself doing but don’t get a chance to do because of one reason or another. Although its origins are still not known, there are a lot of funny stories about the origins of RAK DAY you can find online. This is the day you can get away with doing all the kindness outside your comfort zone and go the extra step that might turn into the mile. Today is the day you can do all these for a reason:

  • buy food for the homeless right outside the street,
  • compliment a stranger,
  • buy a cup of coffee for the person standing right behind you,
  • donate to the charity of your choice,
  • call your parents, friends, siblings and let them know you appreciate them,
  • donate blood,
  • smile and say good morning to the passers-by.

Random Act Of Kindness balloon

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