Can’t Commit? Try One-Off Volunteering
If you’re one of those busy bees, want to volunteer but can’t commit, why not consider one-off volunteering? You can find volunteering options that fit your schedule, when you have the time. Do a good deed, help the community, get a chance to improve your skills and still don’t have to think about the time constraints and how to fit it to your schedule regularly. Yu can find lots of different opportunities for one-off volunteering ranging from writing encouraging letters to children with illnesses to knitting for peace! Here are some of the alternatives of one-off volunteering:
- Helping out at the soup kitchen,
- Festival stewarding,
- Knitting for peace,
- Reading to the children,
- Having tea with the elderly,
- Writing letters to the children with illnesses and their families.
Register with us
At Hammersmith and Fulham Volunteer Centre we can help you to find a volunteering opportunity that matches your skills and interests. There is a huge range of volunteering opportunities available, including retail, office based volunteering, befriending, sports, and gardening. Whatever you choose to do, be assured that you will be making a difference to your local community, as well as improving your health and well-being.